![]() Figure 1
![]() Figure 2
![]() Figure 3
The largest average sizes were observed in the four northern Gulf of Maine (GOM) study areas. There does not appear to be much difference between these four areas, except that there are very few sublegal lobsters in the Northern Canyons as compared to the other GOM areas. The Middle and Southern Canyons have the smallest average sizes and the shoal areas of these regions (Middle Shoals, and Southern Shoals) have slightly larger average sizes than the canyon regions. In the Middle Shoals and Canyons there is a distinct peak in abundance just below the minimum size (83mm or 3 1/4" CL) which is similar to that observed in inshore areas; all other areas had a more even distribution of abundances.
Trap Types
In order to best understand population size structure and recruitment, we must collect data on lobsters of all the sizes present in one area. Since traditional traps are designed to select for legal size lobsters we had to design a trap for sampling sublegal, juvenile lobsters. Six lobstermen were permitted to fish these modified traps, called juvenile collectors, and measure and report to us their catch before releasing the lobsters. The Figure 3 shows the sizes caught by the juvenile collector (blue) and standard trap (red). The juvenile trap successfully selects for small lobsters (legal size =83 mm CL).
![]() Figure 4
![]() Figure 5
There appears to be an annual cycle of berried females such that there are peaks at certain times of the year (fall and late spring) in some areas. However, these peaks may not occur in all areas due to the migration of some females inshore to hatch their eggs in the summer and back offshore in the winter to take advantage of warmer temperatures in deeper water. For example, an observed decline in berried females inshore in the winter may be either the result of the timing of the female reproductive cycle or of migration offshore to take advantage of warmer temperatures in deeper water. Figure 6 shows graphs of the percent of females that are berried in each month of the year.
![]() Figure 6
![]() Figure 7
For each lobster dissected, the following protocol is followed:
NORTH:Average size of berried females : 114 mm CLRange: 85-190 mm CL Total Berried: 1012 Size at Maturity Size at 50% maturity: 92 mm CL Smallest Mature: 71 mm CL Temperature Degree Days >80C: 234 Temp Range: 4-140C |
MIDDLE:Average size of berried females : 97 mm CLRange: 71-155 mm CL Total Berried: 1161 Size at Maturity Size at 50% maturity: 82 mm CL Smallest Mature: 71 mm CL Temperature Degree Days >80C: 999 Temp Range: 7-140C |
SOUTH:Average size of berried females : 90 mm CLRange: 78-115 mm CL Total Berried: 106 Size at Maturity Size at 50% maturity: 79 mm CL Smallest Mature: 71 mm CL Temperature Degree Days >80C: 808 Temp Range: 6-140C |
Using the Ratio of Abdomen Width to Carapace Length to Determine Maturity
The ratio of abdomen width (Figure 7) to carapace length (ABD/CL) increases as a female reaches sexual maturity. Click here for abdomen width pictures description. We measured the abdomen widths and carapace lengths of males and females, both berried and non-ovigerous. Note the divergence of the female ABD/CL from that of the male as the females approach maturity. The ratio measured for berried females aligns with the top part of the non-ovigerous female curve where 100% of females are assumed to be mature. This serves as a good check on this method. Also plotted (green x's) are the percent of females (secondary y-axis) in a given size class that we determined by dissection to be mature. Note that the high percentages of mature females also fall on the top part of the curve.
![]() Figure 8
![]() Figure 9
![]() Figure 10
![]() Click to play video
This datalogger (Figure 9) is attached to a lobster trap and records bottom temperature. Periodically the Tidbit is detached and replaced with a new one. Our temperature data collection is in collaboration with the eMolt project, headed by Jim Manning. To see more about the eMolt project go to: www.emolt.org
Annual Bottom Temperature Cycles
Annual temperature cycles for each area described above are shown in Figure 10. The blue lines represent data estimated by a program called TempEst, developed by David Mountain at WHOI, and the pink lines represent data collected by Tidbit probes. The TempEst data typically aligns with our Tidbit data very well. The depths from which data are taken differ between areas, so variation may be due to both depth and location. However, note that the bottom temperature in offshore areas rarely falls below 8C and that the seasonal variation in deeper water is minimal.
Annual Sea Surface Temperatures
To Right: is a Quicktime video produced from NOAA SST data that shows the influx of warm water from the gulf stream over the year. This gives a sense of the potential bottom temperature differences between the above described areas. Double-click on the picture to start playing.
![]() Figure 11
![]() Figure 12
Figure 11 is a map which is a composite of several tag and recapture studies that looked at this migratory behavior. Each line represents a path of at least one lobster.
Estimate of Thermal Exposure of Migrating vs. Stationary Lobsters
Figure 12 illustrates the thermal exposure gained by a lobster that migrates inshore in the summer months and back offshore in the winter. The data from this graph came from the TempEst program and represents the area near Hudson Canyon, in the canyon (offshore) and just south of Long Island (inshore). These are two ends of a probable migration path as indicated on the map above.
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