Berried female lobster. Lobsters extrude eggs from a pair of oviducts at the base of their ventral abdomen. Eggs are fertilized with sperm that the female has stored in a specialized pouch located between her walking legs. Once the eggs are fertilized they flow down the tail and stick onto the swimerettes. Eggs grow here for 6-13 months before they are released as pelagic larvae.
Logging Data:Downloading data to the computer. Once data is retrieved from the temperature loggers onto the shuttle it can be downloaded to the computer. To download to the computer the data is transferred from the shuttle to an optical basestation which is connected to a computer. Data can then be visualized using BoxCar software.
Sample output of temperature logger data displayed in BoxCar software. Participants save this data with the number assigned to the lobster and date and send these files to us via email.
Examination of the Eggs:Example of eggs collected for this project. Currently we are photographing and measuring the eyespots of eggs collected during initial tagging of berried females.